Дерябин Георгий Николаевич.
Челюстно-лицевой хирург.
2009-2010 Специализация по ортогнатической хирургии, Vilnius University Hospital, Вильнюс, Литва.
2003-2005 Ординатура по челюстно-лицевой хирургии, ЦНИИС и ЧЛХ Росмедтехнологий, Москва, Россия.
1998 – 2003 Стоматологический факультет Северного Государственного
Медицинского Университета, Архангельск, Россия.
Orthognatic and reconstructive surgery, traumatology, implantology.
Область профессиональной деятельности:
Денто-альвеолярная хирургия, ортогнатическая хирургия, дентальная имплантация.
Профессиональное образование:
11th November 2010 Attended “Orthodontic preparation and surgical treatment of patients with dentofacial deformities” course, St.Petersburg, Russia.
25th September 2010 Attended “3D technology in orthodontic” course , Moscow, Russia.
9-12 August 2010 Visitor at the Cranio-Facial Center, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA.
2-5th August 2010 Visitor at The Center for Corrective Jaw Surgery at
Santa Barbara, USA ( G.William Arnett D.D.S., F.A.C.D., M.Gunson MD, DDS).
June 2009 – 2010 July Fellowship at Vilnius Implantology Center and Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania.
1st July, 2010 Attended “Periodontally Accelerated Orthodontic Tooth Movement” course, Institute of Stomatology, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia.
20th-22nd May, 2010 Attended the 9th Conference of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery in Riga, Latvia.
5-6th May, 2010 Attended the 2nd Belorussian Conference of Maxillofacial Surgery in Minsk, Belarus.
26th Apr, 2010 Attended the 1st Russian Orthognathic Surgery Forum in Moscow, Russia.
19th-21st Feb, 2010 Attended Rafaini/Cocconi orthognathic surgery / orthodontic setup course in Istanbul, Turkey.
16-23th Oct, 2009 Attended “Arnett Facial Reconstruction Course”, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
25-27 th Sep, 2009 Attended (translated) “I Baltic See Congress in Orthognatic Surgery and Orthodontic”, Vilnius, Lithuania.
25-27th Apr, 2009 Attended S.O.R.G. TMJ course (anatomy, access and osteosynthesis of mandibular process fractures), Dresden, Germany.
21th Apr, 2009 Attended International Symposium of the Astra Tech Implant Dental Sistem, Moscow, Russia.
24-25th Oct, 2008 Attended “2nd International Conference for Osseointegration East-West”, Riga, Latvia.
13-14th Oct, 2008 Attended Quintessence Symposium, Moscow, Russia.
04-06th Apr, 2008 Attended “2nd International Conference of Aesthetic Implant Dentistry
course, St.Peterburg, Russia.
11-13th June, 2007 Attended “Oral Implant Surgery- state of the Art” course, at the Malmo University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden.
10th June, 2006 Attended “Bone transplantation and Advanced Implant Treatment” course, Moscow, Russia.
12-13th Sept, 2005 Attended “Advanced Science and Clinical Methods Related to Implant Treatment” course, Gotheburg, Sweden.
03-04th Dec, 2004 Attended “1st International Conference for Osseointegration East-West”, Riga, Latvia.
01-03 March, 2004 Attended “Dental Implantation” basic course, Moscow, Russia.